About Us

A little about us.

Wylln came to existence in order to make the dream of 3 university students into reality. One could easily find anime merchansise but what they lacked was the ability to make someone go whoa, now that is a design. Mostly, any merchandise you can find online is basically a famous and overused anime wallpaper blatantly pasted onto a cheap clothing. Well, wylln aims to simply fix that.

Our vision.

Wylln designs are minimal, aesthetic, and can be freely worn without the constant fear of being judged. The quality of our prints combined with breathable and superior quality clothing ensures complete satisfaction.

To make sure that our quality of clothing reflects actual craftsmanship, we did a thorough check on the facility and equipment of our providers, the material of clothing they use, and their previous experience in this field. Our designs feel like they are a part of the clothing itself, like it should.

We wanted you to own something that is minimal yet bold. We want you as our customer to get the best possible experience out of every order you receive. By buying from us, you also contribute to fair labour practices and the environment since all our merchandise is created using an eco-friendly printing process.

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